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Why is quinoa a superfood?

When choosing which carbohydrate to put on your plate, you've probably heard that quinoa is a better option than rice and other grains. This is due to its amino acid profile, fiber content, vitamins, and minerals.

Author: Fernanda Berganza 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), indicates that this ancient food contributes to food security worldwide. In fact, it is the only food of plant origin that contains all the essential amino acids and provides significantly more protein than other cereals. Essential amino acids are those that our body cannot produce on its own, and we need an external supply through food. If you are vegan, quinoa is a superfood that you should definitely include in your meals. Likewise, if you are not vegan, it is an option that will bring extra benefits to your health.
In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium, and iron; dietary fiber; and is gluten-free. Finally, it is ideal for patients with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, sensitivity, or allergy to gluten. Additionally, it does not need pesticides or fertilizers to be grown, making it a purer and more natural food. It should be noted that our organic quinoa is certified and comes from India.

Now that you know why it is a superfood, let me tell you how you can include it in your meals:
  • Prepare and season it the same way as you do with your rice
  • Prepare chocolate and quinoa bites; the recipe is on our Instagram
  • Prepare high-protein bars
  • Add it to your salads
Get yours today and improve your intake of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Remember, ´´healthy body, happy soul´´.
Bojanic. A. (2011). La Quinua: Cultivo milenario para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria mundial.Oficina Regional para América Latina y El Caribe. [documento pdf] 
Montesano,P., Morales, A., León-Lobos, P. y Meier, S. (2022).Quínoa, un super alimento ancestral. Tierra Adentro.

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