2024: improve your lifestyle
If you feel bombarded with videos that tell you how to achieve your goals, how to have the perfect life, and how to renew your life, it can make you:
author: Fernanda Berganza
- Have a negative perspective on your life, forgetting about your achievements, the healthy and good habits you already have, and many more. This takes credit away and makes you feel incomplete.
- Feel overwhelmed and find yourself needing to do more, filing your agenda, and losing yourself.
So my advice is:
- Be grateful and recognize your achievements. Identify which factors helped you achieve them.
- Evaluate your goals. Which ones, even if you don't achieve them, will still give you satisfaction in the process? This will help you define the ones you really want and not the ones just for the Instagram photos.
I hope it helps you refine your goals and use the tools that have served you in the past.