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Do sugar and fruits have anything in common?

Surely you have heard the saying, ´´an apple a day keeps the doctor away´´. But there really is some difference between these foods. The sugar we consume is sucrose, which is composed of two molecules, one of glucose and the other of fructose. These two molecules fall into the classification of simple sugars, which is the smallest representation of carbohydrates. On the other hand, fruit also contains simple sugars, including fructose. This answers the question: sugar and fruit have similarities.

Author: Fernanda Berganza 

However, the fruit contains other components that make its digestion and release into the blood slower; one of these is fiber. In addition, they provide micronutrients and antioxidants naturally. This explains why sweets give us a sugar crush and do not nourish us, while fruit does not. The amount of fiber in each fruit varies, which is why some raise blood sugar more significantly and others do not. This is measured with something called the glycemic index, which compares the impact of foods on the blood, taking as a reference that pure glucose has a value of 100. If the glycemic index is close to one hundred, it means that it raises blood sugar. drastic way.

Why is it important to consider the impact of food on the blood?
If our meals contain foods that drastically and significantly raise blood glucose levels, along with a sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition, over the years we can develop insulin resistance and even type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is important to moderate consumption of sugar, consider the selection of fruits we consume, and what foods we combine them with.


Low-glycemic-index fruits


Glycemic Index













Oboh, G., Ademosun, A.O., Akinleye, M., Omojokun, Boligon, A.A. y Athayde, M.L. (2015). Starch composition, glycemic indices, phenolic constituents, and antioxidative and antidiabetic properties of some common tropical fruits. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 2 (2). 

Jenkins, D. J.,  Srichaikul, K., Kendall, C. W. C., Sievenpiper,  J. L., Abdulnour, S. Mirrahimi,  A., Meneses, C., Nishi,  S.,  He, X., Lee, S., So,  Y. T., Esfahani, A., Mitchell, S. Parker,  T. L., Vidgen, E.,  Josse, R. G. &  Leiter, L. A. (2010). The relation of low glycaemic index fruit consumption to glycaemic control and risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes. Springer link, 54.  

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